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Development History

Coal powder fan


Coal powder fan: 

  Series M6-29, M5-29, M5-36, M6-31, M7-16, M9-26 and M7-29 coal powder fans are produced by Siping Blower Factory, which are used for transporting coal powder .The products have following features: wear-resisting, high efficiency, low noise, good steady gas flow, flat performance curve, wide high efficiency area, compact structure and convenient maintenance etc.


Address:1299 Lishan Road, Tiedong District, Siping City, Jilin Province, China

Telephone:0434-3320708 / 3320063


Copyright 2018 sipinggufengji All Rights Reserved

Copyright:Siping Blower Co., Ltd.

吉ICP備11000611號-1 Stationmaster statistics

Copyright:Siping Blower Co., Ltd.

Address:1299 Lishan Road, Tiedong District, Siping City, Jilin Province, China

Telephone:0434-3320708 / 3320063

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