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Sintering fan


Series AF sintering fan:

  Series AF sintering fans are equiped for 18m2, 24m2,36m2, 50m2, 64m2, 75m2, 90m2,120m2, 130m2,180m2, 265m2 and 450m2etc.

Series AF sintered fans features:

  1、High fan efficiency (over 83%),  can largely reduce energy consumption of sintered mine unit.

  2、Low fan noise, largely improves  operation surrounding.

  3、Fans are flat in performance curve, big in  volume adjusting range, wide in high efficiency area and reliable in operating

  4、Fans are good in wear-resisting and long service life for rotor operation.

  5、Fans are Compact in structure, convenient in mounting and maintenance.

  6、Big fan negative pressure, meets sinters technology thick material layer and high negative pressure the requirement, improves the sintered mine output and other comprehensive technical economic target.


Address:1299 Lishan Road, Tiedong District, Siping City, Jilin Province, China

Telephone:0434-3320708 / 3320063


Copyright 2018 sipinggufengji All Rights Reserved

Copyright:Siping Blower Co., Ltd.

吉ICP備11000611號(hào)-1 Stationmaster statistics

Copyright:Siping Blower Co., Ltd.

Address:1299 Lishan Road, Tiedong District, Siping City, Jilin Province, China

Telephone:0434-3320708 / 3320063

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